Gun Control talks

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Seasoned Fisher
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Re: Gun Control talks

Post by ringonose »

It's a paradox...I've realized there will never be NO guns. They'll always be around, and they'll always end up in the wrong people's hands. Maybe the discussion SHOULD be weapons...had there been no guns, perhaps bad people would resort to other creative weapons to do their bad deeds, and we'd need equal weapons to defend ourselves from evil. The true debate is not about guns, is it? I've come to realize this (much to the chagrin of Jetty who I've argued with about this so many times!). The plain truth is clear to me...if we weren't arguing about guns, (imagine a parallel universe where there was no such thing as guns...then, we'd be arguing about some other weapon that bad people are using to kill people, rob banks, do bad deeds, etc etc). My point is, guns are here, and even if we got rid of all of them, we're not getting rid of the scum that will find some way, ANY way, to terrorize us, our families, our loved ones. IMHO, parents who own guns need to be more careful. Didn't that mom see ANY signs that her son was a bit off? Shouldn't she then be more careful about how and where she locks up her guns? (gee, my son would never kill dozens of innocent school children...he's not that troubled...but what would I know, since I don't pay attention)...the debate will go on forever because guns are here to stay, and so are rotten bad people. If guns were completely abolished (similar to nuclear weapons) then we'd have some other threat to our well being; wars were still carried out before guns were invented. So for now, the reality we live in TODAY (and my reality with my new son) tells me I gotta protect my kid and my wife. I personally never thought this way for myself. It's THEM that I feel need the protection.
..."and the meek shall inherit the earth...."

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