Expect to be in Florida for two weeks at the end of June / early July 2019. Family are coming too, which means I have to do the theme parks and then sneak out for a bit of fishing as time allows. Not bringing gear so would welcome advice on where to get gear on a budget that will cope with anything up to 10lbs.
Would absolutely love to land a baby tarpon, but frankly be happy to land lots of species, not concerned about size, more a species hunt focus.
Doing 5 days around Orlando, heading for Kennedy, overnight in Palm Beach before 4 nights in Miami (to include day trip to Florida Keys) and expecting to finish with maybe 3 nights in Marco Island / Naples for the everglades experience. Will be driving and have two teenage boys who like fishing too (and three women who dont!).
Founded www.sea-angling-ireland.org a long time ago so if you ever get over here, feel free to dip into the 300 K pieces of advice on it!
Used to write for angling magazines, been to world championships for shore angling and know a lot about it, just don't get to do it as much as I would like... you know the story! Be very happy to hear of how I could guide the boys in a noobie trip to the ponds around Orlando/Everglades, and shore fishing around Miami/Keys
Keen not to become a "tourist eaten by alligator / dies from snake bite" headline so all advice around that would be much appreciated
